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Scholarships awarded in partnership by LUSCEF and the Lambda Upsilon Sigma Chapter

Scholarship Application

In partnership with the Lambda Upsilon Sigma (LUS) Chapter, LUSCEF awards scholarships to Sorors who are financially active in the LUS chapter currently pursuing a  graduate degree from a college or university. The scholarships awarded by the chapter include:

  • (1) LUS Soror –  Award: $1,000


Scholarship Topic:

 "Voting is a powerful tool for change, but not everyone exercises that right. Develop a persuasive speech that emphasizes the importance of voting, particularly for young adults

and first time voters. Highlight how their participation can amplify the impact of the election and contribute to shaping a better future for their communities and the nation."


To apply for any of the other scholarships awarded by LUSCEF and Lambda Upsilon Sigma, complete the application below.

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